Elena P. Knoll, 2020


„Ordovizium“ (Ausschnitt)


(Tusche und Mischtechnik auf Zeichenkarton)





John Cabots „Matthew“ taucht aus der Tiefe des Atlantischen Ozeans auf und verlässt die zerstörte Erde auf der Suche nach neuen Welten.



Series "Light and Shadow"

MoonChild, 2016


We still look at the stars and at the immenseness of the Universe with the eyes of a child.


She casts a glance throughout the galactic night: An ethereal creature, shaped with stardust and haze, contemplates the dark side of the Earth from the hidden side of the Moon.

In the cryptic eyes of the MoonChild we can see the mirroring of the terrestrial globe with its green continents and the vibrant blue oceans, but in her translucent, cosmical face, created with the delicate veils of the Milky Way, our Planet is immersed in deep shades.

Thus, all things in life have two sides: a bright one and an obscure, not viewable one.




Von der Rückseite des Mondes lässt sie den Blick durch die galaktische Nacht schweifen: Eine ätherische Erscheinung, gebildet aus Sternenstaub und kosmischem  Nebel, die die dunkle Seite der Erde betrachtet.

Die Erde bringt Leben hervor, sie versorgt uns, sie ist Mutter und Heimat.

In den abgründigen Augen des weiblichen Antlitzes spiegelt sich unser Planet mit seinen grünen Kontinenten und den leuchtend blauen Ozeanen, aber  auf dem durchscheinenden, aus den zarten Schleiern der Milchstraße erschaffenen Gesicht, sind die vertrauten Konturen in tiefe Schatten gehüllt.

So haben alle Dinge im Leben zwei Seiten: eine helle und eine dunkle, eine sichtbare und eine verborgene. Unsere  persönliche Wahrnehmung hängt davon ab, aus welcher Sicht, aus welcher Perspektive wir die Dinge betrachten.

Wenn wir – wie in ein kleines Universum - den Blick in die Tiefe unseres Inneren richten, können wir vielleicht unsere verborgenen Seiten, unsere Träume, unsere geheimen Hoffnungen und auch unsere tiefe Verbundenheit zur Erde erspähen und fühlen.

Series Dreams:

“Pomegranate”, 2016


We must protect the biodiversity on our planet. Each seed contains a unique life.


Series Elements:

“OceanChild”, 2017


All living creatures require water. It is our most precious common resource.

Humans should only touch the oceans, not dominate it.


Series The Dark Side:

“Indian Summer”, 2016


In the depth of the Canadian Forests, it can happen that we can sneak a peek at the most concealed part of our soul.


Series “Past and Present”:

Phlebas 2, 2015


This drawing was inspired by a poem of T.S. Eliot, 1922, “The Waste Land”, which seems to be nowadays more topical than ever.

The greed for profit makes many people blind to the environment and to the needs of other beings.

We strive after power and riches, but all we can reach is ephemeral, and at the end everything will vanish into oblivion.



Series Dreams:

“WinterDream”, 2014


Through a gentle breeze of mild air, the rigid frosty black-white-blue contours transform into an exotic-wintery dream

Series Elements:

"EarthChild”, 2015


Humans are children of the earth and the earth is a silent

witness of our development.

All things must pass. It’s the circle of life.


Series Dreams:

“FishCatch”, 2014


If we keep exploiting our oceans, one day we will only be able to fish for what we lost or carelessly threw away beforehand.






Series Dreams:

“LaundryDay”, 2014


Even in a gloomy and desolate ambience, doing ordinary things, our fantasy and our dreams cannot be inhibited by anybody.

From a simple blanket on a washday, butterflies can fill the soulless room.





Downfall of the earth, 2015

60x80 cm

Drawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.


Our earth is sick of pollution and exploitation. All creatures have to stick together, to save it from falling. We should shelter instead of destroying.

Downfall of the earth 2, 2015

60x80 cm

Drawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.

"Escape", 2015

60x75 cm

Drawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.


All beings have just this one earth to live on. If we don’t take care of the oceans, water creatures will not survive.

"Borderland", 2014

50x60 cm

Drawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.


Since humans live on the earth, they build up borders against each other. But in spite of all the tension, there is always a ray of hope.

"Fukushima", 2013

40x50 cm

Drawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.


Humankind needs energy. But in view of our environment, we should stay humble and take account of our limits.

"Green Parrot", 2015

60 x 80 cm

Drawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.


It happens that we walk through the city, lost in our thoughts, and we perceive things rolling by like a hazy dream. And at times, in a fraction of a moment, we can discover marvelous things all round.


"100 years", 2016

50x60 cm

Lana Bristol rawing cardboard. Ink, watercolour and mixed techniques.


This drawing was inspired by a more than 100 years old map, mediately pointing toward what humans have done in the latest 100 years in the regions of our common world.

Borders changed, the name of towns and even whole regions changed and, sometimes, war set the world on fire.

The two birds, hermit ibises, are threatened with extinction.

In ancient times hermit ibises were considered a sign of good luck and embodiment of human spirit.

These are the reasons why I choosed these birds as a symbol for humans loosing their homeland and their roots. A symbol for extinction caused by war and hostility, and the loss of our deepest values as brotherliness, helpfulness and affection.

Also the Aleppo pine, a tree oft the region, in my drawing loses its needles, as our wars concern every living being on earth.