

Elena P. Knoll, born in Germany, grew up in Italy. She studied at School of Arts in Rome and graduated as qualified art teacher.

She taught several years at an italian primary/secondary school.

Back in Germany in 1994, she founded in association with her husband a company where she worked as GM until 2011.

Since 2012 she works again exclusively as drawer and book author.

Elena P. Knoll participated in exhibitions in Germany and other countries.

2014 and 2016 she published two children’s books with her own illustrations.

2017 and 2020 she published three travel-stories.



About the artist's work



With pen-and-ink Elena P. Knoll tells about antagonism and symbiosis, about destruction and hope, about everyday life and dreams.

She reports of the traces humans leave on our planet. And even in grief and devastation she always sees a ray of hope


As a writer and artist, she addresses emotional issues that personally affects the beholder. Taking a closer look, everyone can find their own thoughts, sorrows but also dreams and wishes in Elena’s paintings.


Elena P. Knoll is always looking for beauty and harmony in every detail: the oceans’ waves, the sharp eyes of an eagle, the delicate skin of an octopus, the soft fur of a feline. With soft colours she is also able to capture the beauty of a building, a wall or a door.


The natural world can survive well without humans. Without plants, animals and clean water though, humans cannot sustain their lives.

All things must pass.

Humans are children of the earth and the earth is a silent witness of our development. In their desire for power throughout the circle of life, humans increasingly accept suffering and destruction.

Although the sea is not our element, we learned to command it. The ocean gives and takes but humankind seizes too much. If we keep exploiting our oceans, one day we will only be able to fish for what we lost or carelessly threw away beforehand.


(All drawings are carried out in pen-and-ink, watercolour and mixing technique, partly with a metallic effect.)



























The studio, 2015


One of my favorite quotes:


"Art washes the dust of everyday life from the soul"

(Pablo Picasso)